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The Mary Shelley Club

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

WOW! Goldy Moldavsky has done it again. I was a huge fan of her book Kill the Boy Band because of its unique styling and voice. Kill the Boy Band was the first time I read a hilarious AND dark satirical YA novel. I will gladly give any of Moldavsky's books a chance because I know its going to be a TRIP.

The Mary Shelley Club does just that and is a fresh voice in YA horror and suspense.


Rachel has just moved to the new school of Manchester prep after a very traumatic event that ended in the death of one of her peers. She is trying to get used to this new place and finds herself a part of The Mary Shelley Club. This is a secret club for fans of horror. Each member of the club conducts a fear test with the goal of having their target scream. Test after test happens but each one ending up more serious then the last. Something more sinister is happening...


- For the most part this book had a fast pace. I did feel like it got a little slow in the middle, but it didn't last very long.

- I enjoyed getting to know more about the MSC. Secret clubs are one of my favorite tropes so it was fun to see a horror themed one. This club does take things too far, so I was uncomfortable at times. But I think that was the point, which is one of the reasons why I love Moldavsky's storytelling.

-This is the second book that I have read in the last year that gives me 90's slasher film vibes. I'm wondering if this is YA's next big trend?

-SPOILER: After the death of one of Rachel’s friends I was wondering where the story was going. I definitely thought this was going to be one kind of story, and it ended up being another. My mind was moving so fast trying to figure out what was happening. But then chapter 51 HIT ME SO HARD.

-I don't know if it was just me but the way everything was revealed shook me to my core. I felt like I was in Rachel's place and I could feel her betrayal.

-When it all came together I was left with more questions, so I hope this means there will be a sequel. I would love to see more about Rachel and the MSC.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing an ARC of this book.

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Jan 02, 2023

I've read this one too! So good. Great twists. And it absolutely does give off 90s slasher vibes.

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